Friday 31 March 2017

Chuchotements by Leila Aslaoui-Hemmadi

Si vous aimez les romans sur séquences d’époques charnières DZ (pré- et post-indépendance, les années 90s), et les femmes qui ont porté ces générations et tout supporté, vous allez apprécier Chuchotements de Leila Aslaoui-Hemmadi (Editions Dalimen, 2015)

Chuchotements est une forme de drame familial, qui raconte l'histoire de Hourria, avocate au barreau d'Alger.

Hourria revient en urgence en Algérie après un appel de sa mère et grand-mère. Nabil, son frère a disparu. Nabil, avocat également, se rendait à Blida pour plaider une affaire. Ce sont les années 90. Les femmes Sardou sont épuisées, on leur a pris leurs hommes un à un, à chaque époque. Grand père kidnappé, torturé et spolié par les colons. Père assassiné par des guerres de clans dans les maquis. Le mari de Hourria, journaliste, assassiné. Nabil est-il le prochain a leur être enlevé ? Hourria va enquêter sur sa disparition, et protéger celles qu'elle appelle "ses femmes".

Whispers by Leila Aslaoui-Hemmadi is a family drama, published by Dalimen editions in 2015.

When Hourria comes back to Algiers it is in a panic, after a call by her mother who says Hourria's brother Nabil has disappeared.

Nabil, also a solicitor, was going to Blida to plead in a trial which he attended, but from which he never came back. We are in the middle of the 90s and Hourria realises the horrors that they might be facing.

The women of the Sardou family are exhausted, every decade has taken away one of their men. The grandfather was kidnapped, tortured and robbed by the French. The father was murdered during a clash of in-fighting factions during the war of independence. Hourria's husband, a journalist was assassinated. Now, Nabil has disappeared. Hourria begins to investigate in the hope of finding her brother alive and to protect those she calls 'her women'.

Djamila Debeche - Leila, A Young Girl from Algeria (novel)

       Djemila Debeche (1926-2010) was born in Aïn Oulmene (Setif), Algeria, on 30 June 1926. She became early on an activist in defense of ...