Thursday 30 March 2017

Kaouther Adimi and "Des pierres dans ma poche"

Assa, Kaouther Adimi et "Des pierres dans ma poche", publié par Barzakh en 2015.

176 pages tendres, remplies de sourires, autour d'un sujet très contemporain, trouver l'âme-soeur avant le grand néant: 30 ans.

Une jeune femme quitte Alger, sa mère et sa soeur, pour étudier à Paris où elle s'y installera. Un appel de sa mère la somme de rentrer. Sa soeur, plus jeune qu'elle, va se marier. Cette nouvelle et ce départ imprévu vont reveiller toutes les angoisses de cette narratrice qui restera anonyme à travers le roman. Angoisses sur le célibat, la 30aine, le vide et le plein de la stabilité professionnelle, l'amour avec un petit a, la vie entre 2 attentes.

In "Stones in My Pocket", Adimi has fun with a little soul-searching, in a light and gentle language and tone. She wonders which of the two following options are more frightening: the expectations of our social environment or our own. A young Algerian woman recently settled in Paris receives a frantic phone call from her mum. She must come back to Algiers, as her little sister is getting married. This involuntary return revives all the anguish she had managed to anesthetise in her new setting. Anguish over soon turning 30, being incomplete by tradition’s standards, feeling incomplete by her hopes’ standards. Adimi’s young character counts the days before her return to the family home and dreaded gossip. She counts them like beads in the company of Clothilde the street lady, of Amina her childhood friend, and of free chips. Each thought comes to her when she touches the stones in her pocket.

Stones in My Pocket is Adimi’s second novel. Kaouther Adimi left Algeria a couple of year ago to finish her MA in Paris.

Stones in my pocket (Des Pierres dans ma poche) by Kaouther Adimi, was published by Barzakh editions in 2015 (176 pp)

Djamila Debeche - Leila, A Young Girl from Algeria (novel)

       Djemila Debeche (1926-2010) was born in Aïn Oulmene (Setif), Algeria, on 30 June 1926. She became early on an activist in defense of ...